Launching Soon

Hashtag Influencer

Influence and Inspire by Abi Hugo

In just 6 weeks you’ll learn how to pitch to the brands you’d love to work with (no matter how big or small), that will position your brand and grow your following and your income.


Does this sound familiar?

Abi Hugo DIY and upcycle

Let's break it down

Influencer marketing industry is a $13.8 billion

now more than ever brands are looking to partner with influencers that create engaging authentic content - that speaks to their ideal client in a way they never could! I know for a fact there are influencers out there with 1000 followers who are taking home paychecks for their work - the difference between them and you? 1. They know how to pitch and ask for what they deserve and 2. They are brave enough to go for it!

How the heck do you pitch to brands?

It all comes down to confidence, strategy and knowing what to write in your emails so that brands instantly respond to your emails and head straight into the negotiation on the pricing and content requirements.

Are brands willing to pay influencers as well as gift freebies?

The quick answer is 'ABSOLUTLY!' Not only do the brands send you the incredible product you have been lusting after forever, they actually PAY YOU for the privilege of you creating and sharing content on your socials! How does that feel... really imagine it!

Why not get paid for your content… you deserve to be compensated for the effort and time you put into creating beautiful content and building an audience!

What's Included?

Hashtag Influencer is made up of 6 modules that I’ll be teaching live covering



Mindset is everything! Self-doubt or imposter syndrome are what’s holding you back from living your dream life as an influencer. We’ll work on shifting your mindset and better understand that you are good enough and people are getting paid every day for their content creation – they are just brave enough to say ‘I DESERVE THIS’. And it is time that someone was you! This is why mindset is our very first module!


Optimising your account
for brand deals

There are some key things you need to make sure you are doing and implementing to make sure you are as visible as possible to brands, you want to make it easy for them to decide if you are the right fit for them. We will walk through how to improve your account and make it swoon-worthy so that when brands click across it feels like an instant YES to working with you.


Figuring out your personal brand

Being an Influencer is the essence of being a personal brand – people literally buy into you as a person. Your opinions, your recommendations, and your ideas. That can feel pretty overwhelming and scary especially if it’s not natural for you to put yourself out there. But we will be going through how to build your personal brand and make it feel consistent so that you have a basis to work from and people instantly recognise you and your content no matter where they see it!


Creating a content schedule

Being a personal brand means showing up day in day out – after all you’re in the business of creating content! It’s literally your job description and even when you’re tired people expect to see you showing up… so how can you create a content schedule that doesn’t burn you out? Gives you the flexibility to show up on your terms and gives the illusion that you are churning out content faster than you can say boo to a goose!

We will work on how you can create your own personal content plan that feels exciting and manageable and excites your audience whenever they see your content


Growing an engaged audience

It’s no good having a following and no one ever commenting, liking or sharing… which is why engagement is far more important than the size of your following!

How can you keep your audience hanging on your every word so they are there to support you when you do share branded content? It’s all in the insights! Your audience is already telling you exactly what you need to know. I’ll show you how to tap into that to create the most engaging content, that will have your audience eating out of your hands!


Working With Brands & Further Monetisation

Now it’s time to actually get a return on your investment and make some money doing the very thing you love, talking about the brands you love and sharing those incredible businesses you naturally talk about day in day out anyway!

I’ll help you work out what to be charging, how to calculate your rates, how to negotiate deals, spot contract red flags, how to find the people to actually pitch to, and when the right time to pitch is.

Plus all this...

Value: £150

Value: £50

Value: £50

Value: £50

Value: £500

Value: £priceless

Value: £150

Additional early-bird sign-up

Value: £350

Value: £497

Total value: £1800

But you get it ALL for £447
(payment plans available!)

Because this is the BETA version* (more detail in the FAQ’s) of this course you will get extra value as I need your glowing testimonials to sell this course time and time again 🙂 but it also means this is the best value it will ever be!

This is also s the lowest price it will ever be, and you get access to me in a way that won’t be possible as the course grows, YOU will be helping me shape the course. This pretty much means if you ask for it… I’ll do my damn best to teach it or bring someone in that can!

I have added in all the essentials but if you tell me you need something, just ask. I want this to be the most comprehensive course you’ve ever been on.

You will be helping me work out the shape of this course for the future which means you have my eyes and ears and full attention, I want you to get results – your results will help me deliver this content over and over!

Sound Good? Thought so...

Let's make you an influencer


I am putting my heart and soul into ensuring this is the best value course out there! I truly believe in the steps I teach and have taught many 1:1 clients who have all had great success. I know that with action and implementation you can make back your investment and some… 

This is delivered LIVE unlike a lot of online courses and there will be continuous support through the Facebook group and monthly calls

Absolutely not! If you have had your account for a week and you have followers we can work with that! 

Yes – I will be covering how to ensure you have your account optimised for brands so it is perfect from the beginning. Then you will ready to go without getting into any bad habits

It actually works surprisingly well for other business owners – I ran an online home decor shop when I worked with my first brand – it’s all about finding complimentary brands to yours and we will be covering that too.

Realistically 1000 to start comfortably charging so I’m guessing not as many as you initially thought!! And if you are not there yet – we will be covering how to grow an audience so you can get to that point and feel confident sending out your emails.

Yes, we will be covering exactly what you should be charging, how to price yourself and your packages correctly, how to negotiate higher rates and how to invoice correctly.  

They cover a variety of scenarios from the initial introduction, pitching to a brand for the first time, suggested negotiating responses, how to pitch for giveaways, to be on PR lists, pitching for guest blog spots etc. 

In all honesty not much – as I mentioned before this is a BETA version so I am relying on your glowing testimonals to sell this course time and time again – so if you need it! I will find a way to deliver it. But I cannot do the work for you! You must commit to watching the content and doing the work 

This is a live lesson module course – we start lessons on the 16th February and all core lessons will be concluded on the 30th March – Bonuses and additional modules and calls will take place a few weeks after the course has finished. 

How long do I get access?

Yes! That is the benefit of being in the BETA version – you will have access to every iteration of this course as I continue to grow and learn more I will keep adding and you will always get access in your portal to everything I create as part of this course 

Everyone will get access to me in the Facebook group where you can post a question at any time and I will always answer plus I’m hosting a live monthly Q&A call. So lots of opportunities to speak with me. However, if you are one of the first 10 to sign up I’ll be offering you direct support through voice notes on your first pitch from initial concept to negotiations and if you pay in full you get a bonus 1:1 with me.

No, the opportunity to sign up for this round ends at 9pm on Monday 7th February. This is to ensure everyone goes at the same pace and that I can deliver the course in a structured manner.

Unfortunately due to the live nature of the course, we do not offer refunds. This isn’t a ‘get rich quick’ program. It’s a ‘get great over a period of time’ program. I will be putting an extraordinary amount of time and effort into this program, and I expect you to do the same. Hashtag Influencer is for serious students only.

Yes, of course, all lessons are recorded so even if you can’t make the live sessions you can watch them back at a time that is convenient for you. 

I accept all major Credit Cards or you can pay via PayPal, Google Pay or Apple Pay

taught by Abi Hugo

I strongly believe we learn by sharing. That’s why community is at the heart of Teach Me Insta. I want businesses and content creators to have a safe space to learn a new way of marketing. Where they can share opportunities with each other, whilst they are learning.

When we leap into business we all have grand plans and big ideas to keep us on track. We often get into business to share a passion, have more freedom to be with your family, or maybe even financial freedom to pursue your passions. Whatever your goal Teach Me Insta is here to support you in achieving your dreams without the struggle and side stepping.

Abi x
Abi Hugo - The White Thistle

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