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When you have a baby, you are forced to make a million and one decisions and it can quickly become overwhelming. You want to feel confident in your choices and when your bubba is at the centre of those decisions, it’s even more important.

So, I wanted to share my experience and advice in the hopes that even if it helps just one person feel more confident in the choices they have to make, then I am happy that this post will have helped.

Our Daily Routine using Aptamil Organic 2 Follow On Milk

I get lots of questions about our routine and how we manage everything at home with two little ones from cooking to cleaning, playing with Emilia and Henry and work. So, I thought I would share an updated routine.

You can check out our Newborn Routine here.

7.00: We wake Emilia up

7.15: We all head downstairs for breakfast and coffee and I feed Emilia. We then play with sensory toys while we have fun music on in the background.

9:00: Emilia has her breakfast which is normally two scoops of Aptamil’s creamed banana porridge made with water

9.30: Nap time, I pop Emilia in her crib, close the curtains and turn on the white noise – I then make sure to spend some one on one time with Henry. Then I tidy up the kitchen while Henry plays in the lounge watching some TV

11am: I wake Emilia up

11:15: Feed Aptamil Organic 2 Follow On Milk from a beaker.

12.00: Emilia has lunch. We do a mixture of baby led and spoon feeding. She will have something like blended veggies a cheese stick

13.00: Nap time, I pop Emilia in her crib, close the curtains and turn on the white noise

3.00pm: I wake Emilia up

3:15: Feed Aptamil Organic 2 Follow On Milk from a beaker.

5pm: Emilia has dinner very similar to lunch

6pm: Nappy off time

6.15: Bath time with Henry

6.30: Baby massage, then get Emilia dressed for bed usually as we are now in November this is a long sleeve baby grow and a sleep-suit and a sleeping bag, currently 2.5 tog.

6.45: Book and final feed of the day

7pm: Pop her in bed, close all the blackout curtains, kiss on the head, ‘night night bubba’ and then white noise

I am currently combination feeding and Emilia has 4 feeds a day spaced four hours apart. The first feed is at 7am and then 11.00, 3.00 and again 7pm.

Aptamil Organic Follow on Milk Review

The follow on milk I decided to use when Emilia turned 6 months was Aptamil Organic Follow On Formula Milk.

I didn’t think twice about choosing to use Aptamil Follow On Milk, as I used it when Henry turned 6 months, on a recommendation from my own Mum. She used it with me when I was a baby and it gave me comfort knowing that it has been inspired by over 40 years of breastmilk research, so it was the perfect follow on option for us. It was also what all the mums in my support network seemed to be using when I had Henry.

So, when it came to choose follow on milk for Emilia it was only natural to pick Aptamil again. But what excited me was that since I had Henry 3 years ago they had introduced a new range Aptamil Organic 2 Follow On Milk.

How I found the transition onto Aptamil Organic Follow On Milk

As someone who always chooses organic milk, free range chicken and tries her best to make small changes and live an eco-friendly lifestyle where I can, I loved that I can now extend that lifestyle to Emilia. I want to know she is getting the nutrients she needs alongside her weaning diet such as Vitamins A & C, iron and vitamin D to support the normal function of the immune system, as well as certified organic ingredients.

Emilia took to Aptamil Follow On Milk really well, she gets so excited every time I make her feed her little legs start swinging in her chair at a mile a million. It’s the sweetest thing to see and I love knowing she really does enjoy it.

When Emilia reached 6 months she had started showing interest in ‘holding the beaker’ herself so I introduced the 360 beaker which she uses to drink her Aptamil Organic Follow On Milk.

Making up her feeds are so easy! Always follow the instructions on the back of the packaging but if you are in any doubt you can also find some tips here.

But the most important things to remember are:

  1. Make up each feed as required
  2. Do not use a microwave to heat as this can cause hot spots
  3. Never add extra scoops or anything else to the feed
  4. Do not store made up feeds and discard unfinished feeds straight away and always within 2 hours
  5. Never leave your baby alone during feeding. 

I trust in Science

The Nutricia Research Centre (which provides the science behind Aptamil Follow On Milk)’ is known for their scientific research into breastmilk. They have around 500 scientists that continue researching into this area of nutrition. I have always felt reassured that they are experts in their field and want to promote the science behind this.

Aptamil Organic Follow On Milk…

Is made with certified organic ingredients

Contains Vitamins A, C & D, and Iron
Contains Vitamin D to support the normal function of the immune system Contains Iron to support  normal cognitive development
Contains Omega-3 LCPs
Contains a blend of Galacto- and Fructo-oligosaccharides.

Disclaimer from Aptamil Organic Follow On Milk:

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Breastfeeding is best for babies. Follow On Milk should only be used as part of a mixed diet and not as a breastmilk substitute before 6 months. Use on the advice of your healthcare professional.

This is a sponsored post I have been compensated for my time in writing it, but this is an honest review and all content and opinions are my own.

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